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- HEXER 1.O1 June, 1996
- **** NOTICE: *****
- This software may be given to your friends and co-workers and may
- be freely distributed on any CD, BBS, WEB page, etc. without
- requesting the consent of the authors. Thanks for your interest
- in HEXER.
- **** HOW TO USE: ****
- Unzip the distribution file. Run SETUP.EXE. Double-click on
- HEXER.EXE from file manager.
- Select the file you want to browse. HEXER will display the first
- 160 bytes in "over-under" hex format. The "BYTE=>" indicator will
- contain the absolute byte# you are pointing at as you move the
- mouse cursor over the HEXER display.
- The filename, size, and date will be displayed on the top of the
- HEXER form.
- You can scroll using the scrollbar, the PgUp/PgDn keys, the "UP"
- and "DOWN" buttons, or the alt-U/alt-D hot-keys.
- You can go instantly to any particular position in the file by
- keying in the byte number and using the "GO TO" button. HEXER
- recognizes the keywords TOP (top of file), BOT (bottom of file)
- and MID (middle of file) in the "GO TO" window.
- To examine any eight-byte section, double-click on the eight byte
- block of interest. The "HEXER Details" window will be displayed
- with the eight byte block detailed in ASCII, Hex, Decimal, Octal,
- and Binary format. The "HEXER Details" window is non-modal, so
- you can leave it open while examining other areas of the file on
- the main HEXER screen.
- To find a string click on "FIND" to bring up the HEXER Search
- Criteria window. You can specify a search string in ASCII or Hex.
- The search may be started from TOP DOWN, BOTTOM UP, CURRENT PAGE
- DOWN, or CURRENT PAGE UP. For ASCII searches you can specify
- whether or not the search will be case-sensitive.
- For ASCII searches, you can use the "?" as a wildcard character.
- For example, a search argument of VBRUN???.DLL would find both
- You can have HEXER scan the entire file without stopping and count
- the number of times it finds the search string in the file.
- HEXER will remember the last 10 search criterias entered. These
- may be instantly invoked using the Search String drop-down combo
- box on the Search Criteria window.
- When a search is in progress, HEXER will display a search progess
- window that is NON-MODAL. You may scroll and examine other areas
- of the file while the search is running.
- When HEXER finds a match during a search, the page containing the
- match will be displayed and the eight byte section where the match
- starts will be highlighted. The FIND-NEXT button will be active to
- continue the search from that point. The GoTo window will contain
- the byte where the matching string begins.
- Speed: The HEXER search engine will search 100k in less than 2 seconds
- on a 486/66 processor with 16 Megs of RAM. It doesn't matter if it's
- ASCII or HEX, forward or backwards.
- You can customize the HEXER display by clicking the "OPTIONS"
- button. This lets you choose the background and text colors for
- the HEXER display.
- HEXER can handle any file up to 2GB in size.
- **** DLL's *********************
- Hexer requires VB4 32-bit run-time DLL's. We don't distribute them
- because their bulk would make the size of HEXER.ZIP extermely large
- to download and most of our users have these DLL's already on their
- system.
- If you get a message that you are missing a DLL while installing or
- running HEXER, you can download the necessary DLL's for free from
- the CompuServe VBPJFO forum. They are also available for free on AOL
- and the Internet.
- Frankly, we think these DLL's should have been included with the
- Win95 and NT installation kits. For some arcane reason, Mr. Gates
- decided not to (or, maybe he just plain forgot). Anyway ... THANKS BILL!
- **** HOW TO REGISTER: ($10) ****
- We gaurantee that the registration key will work with all future
- HEXER releases. We only ask that you agree to make every effort
- to keep the registration key confidential. Thanks for your support.
- 1. Credit card: Call 1-800-447-ISES to order by Credit Card. You
- will receive the Registration Key immediately. You may also
- fax your credit card order to 908-580-1008. Be sure to include
- your name, address, phone#, credit card# and expiration date,
- and your CompuServe or Internet ID if you have one. We accept
- Master Card, Visa, and American Express. You may also e-mail
- the credit card info to any of our addresses listed below.
- 2. CompuServe SWREG: HEXER's SWREG ID is 11696. You will receive
- the Registration Key via e-mail within 24 hours.
- You can contact the authors of HEXER as follows:
- 1. CompuServe e-mail. Our ID is: 72417,627.
- 2. America On-Line e-mail. Our ID is: ISES INC.
- 3. Internet e-mail. Our Internet ID is: ises@ix.netcom.com
- 4. Fax: 908-580-1008.
- 5. U.S. Mail: Jim Barrett
- ISES Inc.
- 102 Sunrise Drive
- Gillette, NJ 07933
- 6. Voice: 1-800-447-ISES.
- **** What's new in Hexer 1.01
- 1. Some minor bugs in the "hex search" and "count occurrences"
- functions have been fixed. The results are now completely accurate.
- 2. The search engine has been tuned again and will produce slightly
- faster search times.
- **** Other Sharware Products available from ISES *****
- **** Call 1-800-447-ISES for details *****************
- SCOPER: Finds and eliminates dead code in VB3 projects. $19.
- QUERYMASTER: Build, test, and manage JET 3.0 querydefs. $29.
- REGISTRY CLASS BROWSER: Search the registry for class information. $18.
- REGISTRY SURFER: Search registry keys and data for any string. $29.
- CARTESIAN WALTZ: Screen saver graphs 100 famous equations. $19.95.